Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We all have pain...

I remember the moment in time when I realized this. I was having a pity party for myself and thinking how unfair it was that I had to bear this pain and others didn't. Then my husband pointed out to me that everyone has pain. It just doesn't look like my pain. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt as much. I, of course, shot back, "Oh yeah, tell me examples." As he began to go through a list of friends and the pain they each bear, it hit me. Wow! Yep. We all have pain. (It seems so simple now, but at the time, it was quite a light bulb!) You may not know or understand my pain, but you probably have a pain that I can't relate to either.

It was at that moment that I prayed that throughout life that I would be sensitive to the hurt of others, that I would figure out what that pain is and try my best to relate to it and validate their feelings. I recall all the times of sitting in a group and feeling like no one cared that certain topics and conversations were tough. I prayed that I would be the person in the group who might sense the sticky-ness of situations and either change the subject or start up another side conversation to divert attention. I also began to notice other people who would do the same thing, whether intentionally or just because it's part of their personality. I am always drawn to those people and appreciate them and their sensitivity so much. And I'm so thankful for those people that the Lord has put in my path throughout the years who have diverted conversations on my behalf.

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